Japan lists acquisition of new military equipment to strengthen its capabilities in new domains

Japan will establish Space Operations Squadron, Cyber Protection Unit, development of electronic stand-off warfare aircraft, procurement of F-35A’s, F-35B’s aircraft, fixed-wing patrol aircraft and helicopters, rescue helicopters, medium-range surface-to-air missiles, improvements in F-15 capabilities, procurement of Network Electronic Warfare System, construction of destroyer ships, submarines and minesweeping vessels and development of F-X indigenous next-generation fighter jets, to modernize its Self Defense Forces. According to Japan’s Ministry of Defense budget concept 2020 white paper.
On July 9, the US state department approved the sale of 105 next-generation F-35 stealth fighter jets to Tokyo at an approx. cost of around $23.11 billion. Which includes 63 F-35A CTOL (conventional take-off and landing) and 42 F-35B STOL (short take-off and landing).
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Tokyo will establish Space Operations Squadrons in Air Self Defense Forces to secure superiority in using outer space which includes about 20 personnel, will establish Space Domain Planning Section, 2nd Project Planning Division, acquire knowledge about outer space concerning matters by dispatching personnel to Space Operation Course provided at US air force base in Colorado for an estimated cost of ¥22.3 billion. The Defense Ministry says in the defense budget 2020 paper.
Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF) Strengthening its capabilities in the Electromagnetic domain which includes the development of electronic stand-off warfare aircraft to support SDF air operations by conducting effective communication jamming for ¥15 billion, conduct research on anti-air electronic warfare devices that neutralizes the radar of invading aircraft by emitting radio waves from the ground at cost of around ¥3.8 billion. The Ministry of Defense said.
Tokyo will enhance its capabilities in the traditional domain which includes the procurement of 3 fixed-wing patrol air crafts with a cost of ¥63.2 billion and 7 patrol helicopters (SH-60) at the cost of ¥49.8 billion. Construction of 2 destroyers at the cost of ¥94.4 billion (3900t class) that will equip with compact hulls and improved multi-role capabilities i.e 9 countermeasures, which were conventionally served by minesweeping vessels, bringing the total number of destroyers to 54 in Japanese SDF. Construction of a submarine with enhanced detection capabilities that will carry out the intelligence and surveillance activities in the surrounding sea at an estimated cost of ¥70.2 billion. Life extension of many aircraft, ships, destroyers, and submarines. According to the white paper.
F-35 the most expensive fighter jet program in U.S history
To maintain air superiority Japanese Air Self Defense Forces will acquire F-35A and F-35B. Upgradation of F-15 eagles with the integration of stand-off missiles, increase ammunition payload and improve electronic warfare capabilities at the cost of ¥39 billion. Procurement of Tyle-03 medium-range surface-to-air missiles with enhanced capabilities to low-altitude and high-speed targets.
Japan also led the development of its future next-generation fighter jet named F-X, which will play a vital role in future networked warfares. Japanese SDF allocated the ¥11.1 billion budget to the development of its future stealth jet.
“Japan will steadily improve its defense capabilities as the second year of ‘Medium Term Defense Program (JFY-2019 to JFY-2023)’ MTDP based on the ‘National Defense Programs Guidelines for JFY-2019 and beyond’ (approved by the Cabinet on December 18, 2018) in order to build a truly effective defense capability, ‘ Multi-Domain Defense Force’ “
Says Ministry of Defense in JFY-2020 Budget
- Japan’s Ministry of Defense Budget concept White Paper 2020